.... take offers, rotate, lift off .- - - deckoc O n.---(-. -.. --)
-. - .. -- (Morse Code)
we do an individual price/ deal
¿ Visuable or invisuable ?
mark everything
so u c
sea L
fly sky space K - Lagoinha and Lagoonies
Valid from 11.7.2??? on going....
Independend Instructions + Equipement Galaxinha
Course Prebooked Price in Euro⁶ (other currencies availible )
Beginner 6 h incl. Material 180.-
Beginner 10h incl. Material 270.-
License on the beach 25.-
Kite Move on incl. Material 2 h 95.-
Kite Move on excl. Material 2 h 75.-
Kite Move on incl. Material 4 h 185.-
Kite Move on excl. Material 4 h 135.-
Privat Lesson incl. Material 1 h 65.-
Privat Lesson excl. Material 1h 55.-
Pre-Instructor Cours 3 days availible 250.-
Surfing- Bodyboarding:
Up do 8 Persons incl. Wet. & Mat. 4 hours 45 .-
Starter Course for 45- availible !!!
Windsurf courses on demond
*Wind-, Kite- and Surfequipment with acessoir - rentals on demond.
*The number of hours can change in relation with the size of the class
*Excurions to other Spots availible
*Payment Conditions @ least just be4 start!!!
ships cmd 5 .- per nautical millage
-Flying minutes from 5.- up to unlimited.
ask witch currency is actual
Regional, National,Multinational up to space into interstellar
Lounch, "launch" and Alimentation
Have a cacao or COFFEE & enjoy it!
Then land..(ldg)...or ship
changes can happen , astron..cmd lead pilot travels /flies *
ex port s customs
land, water, air n space ways
just about to get perfect!
N454 c0sm0n4utos thaico r0sc0sm0 354 3454 4n4c & more
Mars u Venus n more in n outside
*changes can happen, astron. cmd lead pilot travels, flies
galaxinha from portuguese:
◇ diminutivo feminino singular de galáxia ◇
nome feminino
ASTRONOMIA conjunto de elevadíssimo número de estrelas, outros astros, poeira cósmica e gás,
com forma espiralada, elíptica ou ir regular, animado de movimento e expansão, que constitui um sistema astral
ASTRONOMIA o sistema astral mais conhecido, a que pertence o sistema solar, e a cuja projeção na esfera celeste, vista
de um ponto interior, se dá o nome de Via Láctea ou Estrada de Santiago
Do grego Γαλαξίας
"galaxías" «via lactea»